GLOBALSeek has over 6000 pages ofinformation ready to go online ~from every
nation on the planet to special interests to just relaxinginteraction ofthought. As
we compile and sort this information and ready it for launching we hope you will
enjoy this small section ofour site ~today in history.
This section will detail historical events,births,deaths,religious holidays as well as
festivals from around the globe.In its completed state you will be able to access more
information for historical events and travel not just throughout the planet but also
throughout time.
These historical days are also linked to an astrology section that goes into far greater
detail than your average horoscope. Most any question you might ask concerning
astrological signs can be found here so we hope you enjoy this small section ofour
site and share it with others as you interact with family and friends.
GLOBALSeek has been engineered to grow with this interaction ~to accept and post
your submissions and material you find to be ofinterest. Ifyou would like to see your
birthday or the date ofa loved one ~a special occasion or a momentous event in time
gone by ~please submit it via email to submissions@globalseeknet and we will edit
and post your personal date.
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