This safety primer is intended as an introduction to some ofthe basic fundamentals
for online use. It is broken down into three sections.
The first section will deal with all issues in general and is an extremely well written
page for any user no matter what the age or technical ability. It is enlightening and
highly informative. Please take the time to read this article and ensure your children
are made aware ofits subject material as it will contribute to a safer interaction with
the internet.
The second section deals with online chat and is also extremely informative and very
well written. It touches on most every concern a parent or child would have and is an
exceptional guideline to follow.Please take the time to review this section with your
child ifyou intend on allowing them to interact online with other users in the chat
forums. It will give them confidence and insight as well as give you the security in
knowing they are well prepared for most any circumstance they might confront.
The third section deals with abuse or the potentials for abuse online and has been
written to apply to not only internet usage but for the real outside world as well. It
should be shared with your child and talked about with family.
General Information
Chat Awareness
Abuse Warning Signs
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