GLOBALSeek has been created to participate in the huge projected growth in Internet advertising revenues over the next several years-using content to attract users and advertisers.
GLOBALSeek will establish,develop and maintain a comprehensive,interactive, KiDSaFe, information database on history, geography and culture-the story of civilization.
To create a high quality,high traffic,banner driven,interactive,information database
that is KiD SaFe, relevant to adults and prestigious for advertisers and sponsors.
To establish a reliable and constantly growing revenue stream.
To become profitable within one year.
To establish GLOBALSeek as a brand name.
To achieve higher than average net profits.
GLOBALSeek has only two shareholders with no debt or other liabilities.
Equity is available to a lead investor(s).
Business Plan :
Mark McMahon
303-1388 Homer Street
Vancouver B.C.
Canada V6B 6A7
Ph 604 647 0075
Fx 604 647 0076
[email protected]
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